Sunday, January 18, 2009

90 in 09 Challenge- 259.5

I've been listening to my favorite radio station, KLOVE and kept hearing about Big Daddy Weave's goal to lose 90lb in 09. He's been documenting his journey of weight loss online and you can join him in the challenge. Basically the challenge consists of 3 daily commitments.

1) Nutrition: Recognizing that the purpose of foods I eat is to provide my body with the fuel it needs, I commit to make choices that are nutritious and appropriate in portion size.

2) Exercise: Realizing the positive impact that exercise has on my overall well being, I will spend a total of 20 - 30 minutes each day engaged in physical activity.

3)Worship: Believing that true overall health encompasses spiritual growth which comes from spending time with God, I choose to set aside time each day to be solely devoted to Him.

While admit that this is going to be challenging (especially #2) I have committed to joining in the challenge! If you too would like to join simply visit the website and sign up! They will be sending out weekly support info and the website is updated almost daily with the progress of Mike Weaver. They promise to provide helpful tips along the way as well! It seems like a simple challenge but there is a lot of commitment involved!

Today I went to the gym and really woke myself up about how half- assed my workouts have been as of late-- so I ended up on the treadmill for 70 minutes burning 630 calories and also did some weights on my thighs--- I need to start kicking it into high gear. I'm now more than ever considering hiring a personal trainer-- it just makes me nervous I guess. I mean I've already been able to loose quite a bit on my own... but I think the added support and techniques will probably help me to arrive at my goal much sooner.


  1. I have a personal trainer - it's fantastic. Tonight we are boxing. I love it. I get to smash things that irritate me during the week, so I'm rid of any anger or frustrations! Its also a great cardio workout, plus it helps me with my (really bad) coordination!
    Give it a go and see how you like it. It works for me and keeps me on track too.

  2. If you do decide to get a PT, my only recommendation is to get someone who has been recommended to you. When I had a PT who was part of a introductory package at my gym, I think I ended up with someone who wasn't the best fit and so I didn't like it very much. Now, if he'd had me boxing at the end of a stressful day, I'd have been totally into it. :) Good luck!

  3. I don't know why I can't get myself to sign up for something like this as competition usually fuels me. Good luck to you!
