Saturday, January 17, 2009

Some New Pictures!

ok so today I was waiting for my prescription in the store and walked down the isle with all the mirrors-- seeing as my last pictures were a little blurry I thought I'd try and take a picture with my iphone-- much better result!

I also went shopping *for clothes that fit a little better* and took the liberty of doing the same in the changing room-- lol kinda lame I know.. but I hope you enjoy the pictures-- and if you see a difference PLEASE TELL ME!-- note to self-- next time I should try and look nice-- I was concentrating so hard on not being blurry I look mean! :o) I'm not I promise!

BTW after I went shopping I went to work out! Wahoo!


  1. Hi, I used your idea and set up my camera on my ironing board, used the self timer and stood at the end of my hall. I did it in my swimmers tho.... Rather scary!

  2. I'm glad you used the idea--- it's really helpful to see where you were at.. vs. where you're at now vs. where you want to be.... I checked the photos out on your blog and commented :o) you are much braver than I... I had taken some photos of me in just a sports bra and work out pants-- wasn't brave enough to post those for the world to see!

  3. Wow, you look really great. Keep up the good work! Jen

  4. You look great! What an inspiration! I can't wait until I want to try on new clothes, much less take pictures!
